Snow and Cold Temperatures
Come to Eastern United States
Washington, DC (HDW) December 22, 2004
- Winter’s first snow fell
over the MidAtlantic states on December 19, 2004, covering the region
with a dusting of white. Curiously, the Appalachian Mountains remain
mostly bare, but snow covers the Midwestern states to the west.
The above picture was taken by a NASA satellite on December 20,
2004 and processed at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt,
Maryland which is right outside Washington, DC. (full
Snow in Colorado's Mountains will Make for
a Happy Holidays
Denver, Colorado (HDW) December 21,
2004 - Bright white snow covers the
Rocky Mountain Ranges in western Colorado, as shown in this picture
taken from a NASA satellite. The snow highlights the many peaks
and valleys in the range, while most of the lower plains remain
clear and winter-brown. Snow covers Denver where the roughly round
shape points east into the plains, while to the south, nearby Colorado
Springs and Pueblo remain snow-free. A lone red dot near La Junta
marks what is likely a late-season agricultural fire. (full
Time in California: Record Snow Storm Hits Sierra Nevadas
California (HDW) November 5, 2004 -
A powerful Alaskan storm swept over California
during the final week of October, drenching the state with record
rain and snow. The storm was the second large storm to move over
California in as many weeks, and it left the Sierra Nevada Mountains
coated in snow. In this picture taken by a NASA satellite on October
31, 2004, snow highlights the peaks of the long mountain chain that
forms California’s eastern border with Nevada. The Sierra
Nevada mountains have received a lot of snow in October. Ski resorts
may be able to open earlier near Northern California and Nevada
this year. (full article...)
Snow Causes Floods in California
California (HDW)
March 7, 2004 - The heavy rain and
snow that moved across Northern California the last week of February
2004 may be responsible for filling the rivers in the lower Sacramento
River system. Though localized flooding was reported on February
26, flooding along the Sacramento, Feather, and Yuba Rivers, top
center, was not reported. It is likely that the dark pools of water
surrounding the rivers in this false-color image are shallow seasonal
wetlands. (full article...)